Social Media Highlight: Temple University

While Buzzfeed reports on the latest sassy tweet from Wendy's, there's actually a slew of other brands killin' it on social media.

And by "killin' it," we mean they're effectively strengthening their brand, projecting exactly what they stand for, increasing brand awareness, and targeting and engaging their ideal audience or customer.It’s the beautiful thing of watching a social media marketing strategy in action, kicking ass and taking names.

Temple University is one of those brands. Check out these four ways Temple uses social media for its benefit:

1. Social media makes a scholastic college look sexy.

Temple is not Penn State. It's not the University of Michigan. It's not any of those party schools, either.Their football team sucked for like, decades – to the point where the school was actually expelled from the Big East Conference. The neighborhood it’s located in leaves a little to be desired by the suburbinite parents sending their kids there.What Temple is is a school for research. For clinical advancements. Known for its diversity and investments in technology for students.How do you make that appealing to kids in their late teens and early 20s?Through a robust digital marketing strategy, Temple has taken ownership of their message and it’s this:Temple is for:

  • The badass

  • The brave

  • The cut above the rest

In the early 2010s, the school’s digital and print marketing strategy included the phrase and hashtag Temple Made. The phrase is still used today because the school, its students, its hospitals and its faculty continue to achieve success – and the marketing team (and advertising and marketing agencies) continue to showcase that. Check out this commercial.[embed][/embed]Today, after quite the recovery of the football program, Temple athletics boasts that:Greatness doesn't quit.[embed][/embed] These digital marketing efforts translate into making it cool to go to Temple.Despite not having a stellar football team or mansions built for kings and queens of the Greek social life, it's a school for those who dream bigger and think smarter.And that's sexy.

2. They highlight the core of their brand: the students

Temple’s current social media strategy includes bookending students’ experience with the school with #nextstop.With this hashtag they capture the excitement and pride a young, ambitious student takes in choosing Temple as their school, as seen in this Instagram post.[embed][/embed] Plus, they capture the matured student, who spent the last four years or so in North Philadelphia shaping their skills, building a community and piecing together their vision for their future.[embed][/embed] Beyond graduation, the Temple University social media team gives shout outs to alumni as they succeed in the world and as they do incredible things in their careers and communities.Or hell, even as they contribute to larger social and political conversations, like this Temple alum who built the podium Melissa McCarthy uses when she impersonates Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live.

3. UGC: They use it.

User generated content - UGC - is free, in some sense, for brands to use for their own benefit.Temple does that and gives shout outs to the students - this is social outreach, and, in return, they've generated momentum around students and alum alike representing Temple #owlsareeverywhere, students and alumni show their Temple pride on their personal networks. Exhibit A:[embed][/embed]And Exhibit B:[embed][/embed] 

4. Temple uses social media to be. . . social.

Temple is a prime example of how to use social media to grow a brand and create brand advocates.Businesses, universities and non-profits frequently forget that social media should be used to connect with their community.Temple prioritizes highlights of its students and maintains a consistent voice in their social media content that’s:

  • Supportive

  • Proud

  • Uplifting

  • Inspiring

That voice creates a community.Here’s an example that showcases how a good social media post can be great. Instead of saying, “Have a great summer!” or “Enjoy your summer break, Temple students,” the social media guru behind this account put a familial spin on it. And it was warmly received by their Facebook fans. Temple’s social media continues to get better by the day. Feel free to hit it up for campaign or engagement inspiration. Did you like these social media tips? Get more of where that came from by signing up for our newsletter. *Full disclosure: Stunning Strategy founder Meg Hogan graduated from Temple University.